
The registration will be closed at 23:59, JST on 21st July

Early Bird
(By 30th Apr. 2025, 23:59 JST) 

Standard Rate
(By 23rd July 2025 23:59 JST)

Academia/Government Agency 37,500 JPY 50,000 JPY
Industry 75,000 JPY 100,000 JPY
iPark tenant/member*, Exhibitor**  25% Discount 25% Discount

Non-refundable but transferable to your colleagues if you cannot attend.
Payment is by credit card only and confirmed at the time of order through Peatix. 
* iPark tenant/member need a discount code distributed to your iPark contact person from the steering committee, please check it before purchasing a ticket. 
** Exhibitor has already had two (2) tickets as free. Third paticipant requires the tickets but the discount code sent to your contact person is applicable.  

Please register from Peatix registration form below.

If you cannot use Peatix, please contact the Steering Committee (